The Tropical Soybean Information Portal (TSIP) is a curated repository of information related to tropical soybean production, processing, and utilization.

The TSIP was developed by the Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL) as part of the USAID Feed the Future initiative. SIL provides researchers, extensionists, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and funders with the critical information and technology they need to successfully advance soybean development across value chains in tropical countries around the world.

The TSIP aims to establish itself as a significant centralized source of curated data and knowledge on tropical soybean cultivation, production, and processing. We strive to contribute to meaningful advancements in agricultural innovation and sustainability across tropical regions.

By centralizing and disseminating specialized insights into the tropical soybean value chain, we will empower stakeholders with essential information, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and drive socio-economic growth in tropical communities.
Whats is the TSIP?The Tropical Soybean Information Portal (TSIP) is a curated repository of information related to tropical soybean production, processing, and utilization.
Who is the TSIP designed to support?Prospective soybean growers interested in learning the basics of soybean. Extension agents wanting technical guidance for their own education. Extension agents looking for sell sheets/ marketing materials to share with farmers. Businesses wanting to see how soybean performs in a region like theirs. Businesses wanting to know what soybean varieties are available for purchase in their region. Businesses interested in soybean economic/ production growth. Researchers wanting access to SIL-generated trial data. SIL researchers looking to link/ provide partners with information.
What categories of content are available on the site?The site offers a variety of content, including reports, bulletins, training tools, articles, and more.
How can I access full articles and studies?You can access the full content in the "Resources" section of the site.
Do I need to register to use the TSIP?No, registration is not required. All content on the TSIP is freely accessible.
Is there a way to receive updates about new content?Yes, you can receive email notifications whenever the site is updated. Simply sign up using the contact form below.
I have technical questions or problems accessing the site. What should I do?For technical issues or questions, please contact our team at soybeaninnovationlab@illinois.edu.