Tropical Soybean Information Portal
The Tropical Soybean Information Portal (TSIP) is a curated repository of information related to tropical soybean production, processing, and utilization.
How do I use this map?
This map is a data visualization tool containing geotagged trial and operator information on soybean variety performance, yields and economic returns in response to different agronomic inputs, and the contact information for trained thresher operators and fabricators.
To begin, select the icon at the top left of the map that corresponds with your topic of interest:
Click an icon below to learn more about a specific layer
Soybean Varieties
Soybean Agronomics
Coming soon!
Soybean Disease
Soybean Varieties
Colored icons that represent countries where trial information is presented. When selected a data table is generated below the map with variety performance information.
Icons representing individual trial locations within a country. The resulting table will display variety performance information for the selected location specifically.
For both country and location options, you can select data from a particular season, or view yield information across seasons. Note: Means across environments do not always match means calculated using values from individuals environments because of how missing data were handled in the analysis.
You can download a csv. file with the variety performance information specific to the country or location selected.
Detailed extension reports for a specific season within a selected country can be downloaded for more information on methods and results.
Soybean Agronomics
Icons representing individual trial locations within a country. The resulting chart will display both yield and economic information by agronomic input combination.
Reading the table
Gross Margin (Gross Margin= Revenue - Fixed Costs) information is represented as a colored bar graph.
Bar Colors-Bundles
Certified Seed + Best Practices
Red Bundle + recommended 1 input
Red Bundle + recommended 2 inputs
Red Bundle + recommended 3 inputs
Red Bundle + recommended 4 inputs
Yield information is represented as a dashed line using metric tons per hectare.
Represents typical yields and returns of African soybean farmers. See extension reports for details on typical farming assumption.
Certified soybean seed and best management practices. Note: All treatments (aside from “Farmer”) include certified soybean seed and best management practices.
Phosphorus Fertilizer
Potassium Fertilizer
Rhizobium Inoculum
For both country and location options, you can select data from a particular season, or view yield information across seasons. Note: Means across environments do not always match means calculated using values from individuals environments because of how missing data were handled in the analysis.
Detailed extension reports for a specific season within a selected country can be downloaded for more information on methods and results.
Soybean Varieties
Soybean Varieties
Soybean Agronomy
Soybean Agronomy
Soy Nutrition
Soy Nutrition
Pan African Variety Trials
SIL’s Pan-African Soybean Variety Trials (PAVTs) fast-track the introduction and testing of commercial soybean varieties sourced from across Africa, the U.S., Australia, and Latin America to provide the private sector, farmers, and processors with access to a broader selection of seed than what is currently available. The program consortium leverages its role as an independent third party and its unique access to international, regional, and national supplies of high-yielding and disease resistant germplasm to swiftly bring new varieties to market. The PATs provide trial operators, seed suppliers, and soybean processors with key performance data including disease resistance, yield, maturity, and protein and oil concentration.
What is your interest?
SMART Farm Agronomy Trials
The SMART (Soybean Management and Appropriate Research & Technology) Farms produce evidence-based guidance on the use of appropriate agronomic practices and associated input bundles to boost soybean yields. A primary focus of the SMART Farms center on an input omission trial, where a step-wise or bundle approach will look at the agronomic and economic returns of various input bundles (including certified seed, inoculum, fertilizer, and herbicides). Additional trials focus on planting date, plant population, seed/row spacing, and herbicide use.
What is your interest?
Many smallholder farmers in the tropics do not have access to durable and affordable harvest equipment such as crop threshers. The Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL) is creating a local, skilled workforce for the fabrication of low-cost, locally-produced, multi-crop threshers to address the challenges of availability and affordability that prevent many smallholder farmers from scaling up their agricultural production. Manual threshing, disproportionally carried out by women, is labor intensive and time consuming. SIL’s multi-crop thresher reduces threshing time by 80%, requires only 2 operators, and results in a postharvest loss of less than 2%.
What is your interest?
Soy Nutrition
The Soybean Innovation Lab Nutrition Program works to promote the consumption of soy to enhance human nutrition, food security and dietary diversity across Sub-Saharan Africa by promoting technologies that produce Delicious Inexpensive Nutritious Environmentally and culturally friendly, and Safe (DINES) soy products. We strive to bring evidence-based nutrition solutions to scale and are interested in partnerships with industry and agro-processors to bring nutritious soy products that meet our DINES criteria to the African market.
What is your interest?
Soybean Disease
This map shows disease pressure of soybean rust, causal pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi, at specific PAT locations within a season. When clicking on a colored map icon, percent incidence and average, minimum, and maximum disease severity rating scores will appear for that location. Please see our Soybean Rust Disease Bulletin for more information on identification and management.
Reading the Map
Icons represent trial locations within a country.
Icon Colors
1: no disease symptoms due to rust
2: 1-10% leaf chlorosis or necrosis due to rust
3: 11-35% leaf chlorosis or necrosis due to rust
4: 36-65% leaf chlorosis or necrosis due to rust
5: 65%+ leaf chlorosis or necrosis due to rust
The color of the icon indicates the average severity rating observed in that trial where:
For both country and location options, you can select data from a particular season, or view disease information across seasons.
Detailed extension reports for a specific season within a selected country can be downloaded for more information on methods and results.